Tim and Tom are trying to find the least number which is a perfect square and is divisible by 16, 18 and 45. Help them find the required number. Step by step explanation pls, Thx

Tim and Tom are trying to find the least number which is a perfect square and is divisible by 16, 18 and 45. Help them find the required number.
Step by step explanation pls,

Answer: The required number is 3600

Step-by-step explanation: for finding the least perfect square number from 16, 18, and 45 are

at first, we find L.C.M of the above number

then, multiple of 16 = 2 *2*2*2

multiple of 18 = 2*3*3

multiple of 45 = 5*3*3

then, above a multiple of 16,18 and 45

L.C.M =2*2*3*3*5 =720

the above is not a perfect square then we multiply of 5 in the above L.C.M= 720*5 = 3600


3,600 is the least perfect square number.

Step-by-step explanation:

In order to find the least number, you have to find the LCM of 16, 18, and 45.

Prime factorization of 16 = 2^4

Prime factorization of 18 = 2 • 3 • 3

Prime factorization of 45 = 3 • 3 • 5

LCM (16,18,45) = 2^4 • 3^2 • 5 = 720

Since 5 is not in pair, use it to multiply it to 720.

720 • 5 = 3,600

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